Silver Alliance
The first brand partnership for ageing well at home
Our mission - To offer everyone the best solutions for living and aging well at home
Personal services qualifying for a tax credit under article 199 sexdecies of the CGI
Counseling and information

About Silver Alliance
Launched on June 29, 2018, Silver Alliance is an entrepreneurial project led by Oui Care Group and Benjamin Zimmer.
A demographic revolution is underway. The number of people aged 60 and over is expected to increase by 67% in 2040, reaching 22.6 million, compared to 13.5 million in 2007. Not only are there many more of them, but their profiles and expectations are increasingly complex and vary according to their social category, income, educational and cultural background.
Care at Work
A service for employees and caregivers
11 million French people provide daily support to someone who needs assistance (age, illness, disability). Among these caregivers, half are employed.
While becoming a family caregiver is an unconditional sign of love, employees who are caregivers find it difficult to balance family and professional life.
This is why Silver Alliance, the first brand partnership for aging well at home, has created Care at Work, a support service for employee caregivers.
Specialized in assistance and caregiving, our Care Managers’ mission is to support employee caregivers in planning their daily life with their dependent relatives.
Find out more on the Care at Work website

Dreams of Seniors
There is no age limit to fulfill your dreams!
One objective: to change the way people look at seniors
Dreams of Seniors is an initiative launched by Silver Alliance, the first alliance of companies dedicated to ageing well at home.
The objective of Dreams of Seniors is simple: to change the way society looks at aging by enabling people aged 60 and over to make their dreams come true.
A political move: Dreams of Seniors
Asking seniors about their dreams and helping them fulfill them is not a trivial move. But rather a political move.
Why is it so? Because the very fact of asking the question comes down to considering the elderly like everyone else, beings with dreams, with projects and choices. And it is precisely the fact of considering their needs for self-fulfillment and self-improvement as something “normal” that takes a militant stance to change the way we look at old age.
This is what Dreams of Seniors is all about!
Sign up or register a loved one on the Dreams of Seniors website

Our experience in the field of homecare services, combined with a close watch on the latest developments in the industry, confirmed the urgent need to create a comprehensive offer to meet the needs and desires of consumers over 60 who want to age at home for as long as possible. Only a group sharing the same values could meet this challenge. Like Skyteam, an iconic company in the aviation industry, Oui Care has created the Silver Alliance to support the Silver Economy.