Oui Care Institute

A new approach to old age

A new approach to old age

This institute is a think tank, a research and experimentation lab on old age and aging.

Aging is not a disease… 

Old age is a singular experience by nature. It is the continuation of life in all its dimensions and contradictions.

Too often today…

Thinkers and decision-makers in charge of senior citizens tend to approach the “elderly” population as a uniform and distant mass of individuals who must be taken care of like a heavy burden for society.

Let’s change the way we look at old age!

We need to push the boundaries, break down the negative representations of old age and fight everywhere against the infantilizing and discriminating attitudes towards the oldest of us, in order to pave the way for an inclusive society for elders.

Growing old is simply living. Aging well is to grow older, in a living environment that evolves with our changing level of autonomy, surrounded by our loved ones while continuing to enjoy life.

Damien CACARET Doctor in Pharmacy and HEC graduate / Member of the Institute's Expert Committee

Aging well is not a feat limited to the young or the old. It is about going through old age with its different experiences of time that lasts, and this without giving up or losing one's desires and choices.

Véronique CAYADO Psychologist and Doctor in Psychology / Member of the Institute's Expert Committee

For me, aging well means continuing to choose one's life, to move forward in a free and independent manner, to meet one's needs, admittedly in a different way, while fulfilling oneself, one's projects, and one's dreams.

Benjamin ZIMMER Engineer and Gerontologist, Doctor of Science in Industrial Engineering / Member of the Institute's Expert Committee

Contact the Oui Care Institute at: institut@ouicare.com

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