Oui Care Solidarity Fund
Ending violence against women and gender inequality
At Oui Care, more than 94% of our employees are women. The Group is aware of the day-to-day life they go through and the realities they experience.
Today, Oui Care is even more committed to ending violence against women and gender inequality by creating the Oui Care Solidarity Fund.
STILL, TOO OFTEN women must have to choose between their family and their career.
STILL, TOO OFTEN women must endure ordinary sexism.
STILL, TOO OFTEN women must justify their personal decisions.
STILL, TOO OFTEN women must have to balance a busy professional life with their daily mental workload.
AND WORSE, too often must woman still endure the abuse and humiliation of a violent partner.

In 2019, 149 femicides were recorded in France. This means that a woman died under the abuse of her partner or ex-partner every 2.5 days. If this figure outrages us, it should not be a fatality. Everyone must do their part to change the situation, and companies have a major role to play in this field. The Oui Care group is setting an example by getting involved in the issue of violence against women and gender equality. This should lead the way to other initiatives, as this is a battle that we must all wage together.
Need help?
One of your relatives, one of your colleagues, one of your employees tells you that she is in a complicated personal situation but you don’t know what to do, you don’t feel like getting involved in a private situation… But helping them is a collective responsibility. The Oui Care Solidarity Fund can help you in this process. We can guide you towards an organization, but we can also provide assistance directly (paying for a hotel room, the rent of an apartment, legal fees, etc.).
If you are worried about a particular situation, don’t wait any longer and contact us: solidarite@ouicare.com